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15周年校庆公开课——eaching Design

作者(来源):[暂无]    发布时间:2011-12-28

15周年校庆公开课——eaching Design

School: Longyuan Middle School

Student: Class 3 Grade 6

Teacher: 赵慧颖

Subject: Signs and Rules

Material: Oxford English M3U7

Time: November 30th, 2011

Teaching Objectives

I. Language objectives:

1. To learn and know how to use the vocabulary for signs and rules

2. To practice new sentence patterns:    

Where can we find this sign?     

We can find it …

What does this sign mean?       

It means don’t + do…    we mustn’t +do…

II. Ability focus: 

1. To practice recognizing the signs and tell the meaning;

2. To develop the ability of getting and sharing information.

III. Emotional objectives:

To guide students to care for their school and try to make their school life better

Key and/or difficult points:

Key points:  To recognize different signs;

            To tell the meaning of different signs;

            To use the target sentence patterns to express information.

Difficult points: To use the sentence patterns to express information freely.

Teaching aids: Multi-media, blackboard, handouts, etc.

Teaching procedure


Teaching activities

Learning activities


Warming up

1. Show a video and ask students to tell the topic of the video.

1. Watch a video and tell the topic of the video.

To elicit the topic of this lesson.

Pre-task preparation

1. Have a brainstorming: Where can we find these signs?

2. Introduce four places of our school.

1. Do a brainstorm: Where can we find these signs?


2. Recognize four places of our school.

To call students’ attention to places and signs.


To draw students’ attention to places in our school.

While-task procedure


1. Ask a question: Where can we find this sign?

2. Ask students to do pair-work :

A: Where can we find this sign?

B: We can find this sign in/on __.

3. Show students the sentence pattern: Don’t______.

4. Ask students to match signs with their proper meanings.

5. Show students some more signs and tell the meaning of each sign.

6. Guide students to tell the meaning of signs with the sentence pattern:

We mustn’t____.

7. Ask students to play a game: tell the meaning of different signs.

8. Ask students to practice expressing the meaning of different signs by asking and answering questions.

1. Answer the question: We can find it in/on ____.

2. Do pair-work:

A: Where can we find this sign?

B: We can find this sign in/on __.


3.Use the sentence pattern:  


4. Match signs with their meanings.


5. Recognize the signs and tell the meaning of each sign.


6. Tell the meaning of signs with the sentence pattern:

We mustn’t_____.


7. Play a game: tell the meaning of different signs.


8. Practice expressing the meaning of different signs by asking and answering questions.

To develop students’ ability of recognizing proper information.

To practice the target sentence pattern.





To develop students’ ability of getting proper information.

To develop students ability of expressing the meanings of signs.

To develop students’ ability of expressing meanings in different ways.

To develop students’ ability of expressing meanings.






Group work:

Ask students to choose some sings for their school and talk about the signs.



Choose some signs for the school and talk about the signs.




To develop students’ ability of designing and expressing.

To arouse students’ love for their school


1. Oral work: 

Try to find some signs on your way home and tell their classmates about them.

1.                                           2. Written work:

2.                                           Draw some new signs for our school and make some new rules to make our school life better.





                     ------   教学反思

2011.11.30 作为龙苑大家庭的一员,我很荣幸在庆祝建校15周年之际,进行了课堂教学的展示。正如校训所示:幸福自己,幸福他人。在教学的实践中,我也得到了教会他人,成长自己的体悟。而这份成长与幸福,也经历了诸多的困顿,反复的研磨。如同建校15年来的种种风雨与光辉,一名教师的成长也建立于脚踏实地的学习,实践,思考和感悟。




英语课本的编写集合了许多老师的智慧结晶,英语课本对于英语教学的指导意义和功能毋庸置疑。但面对不同的学生,因才施教也势在必行。我所理解的“因材施教”,不仅是指根据学生采取相应的教学措施,也是指根据教材内容采用相应教学方式,发挥课本的最大功效。在本堂课所教授的文本中,融合了牛津英语6A Unit7 45-46两页文本的内容。重点介绍了日常生活中所涉及到的规则和相应的标志,词汇量比较大,在表达标志含义的两个句型转化和提问回答中,对学生的英语基础能力有一定要求。因此,我对文本内容进行了预先处理,在一堂课中整合45-46两页课文内容,课文普通词汇要求学生进行课前预习,课堂中重点教授目标句型并运用创设情境,分步骤,重阶梯,运用游戏,提问,竞赛等方式进行语言知识的教授和对话操练,进行语言积累。通过对课文文本的处理,适当减低了课堂教学的难度,为学生铺设梯度,化繁为简,达到文本教学的目标。




悟:纸上得来终觉浅 绝知此事要躬行


     学、做、思、悟, 是我对教学课的反思,更是对英语教学和努力方向的诠释。


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