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作者(来源):[暂无]    发布时间:2011-06-08

Teaching plan


PlaceLongyuan Middle School

Time: May 12th

Teacher: Ouyang xielu (Daisy)

Topic: 7BUnit8 Our ideal school (writing)

Language objectives:

To revise vocabulary and sentence patterns relating to the changes the students would like to see in the school: I’d like to…

If our school has…, we can…

It would be…because…

Ability objectives:

1. To improve the students’ skills of speaking

2. To develop students’ skills of writing: to write a composition through revising useful phrases and sentence patterns

3. To promote the students’ skills of information collecting

Emotional objectives:

1. To be more confident in writing

2. To arouse students’ love for school life



Teacher’s instruction

Students’ activity



Show some pictures of campus to the students.


Enjoy pictures.

To warm up the students and elicit the topic.


Introduce an announcement-writing contest on school’s website to the students.

Think about the theme of the activity on the website.

To motivate their interest to take part in the writing contest.

Have the students think about the three standards  when the teacher checks the composition.

Think about the three standards  when the teacher checks the composition.

To have the students pay more attention to the three standards when they write  their compositions.

Have the students think about the basic frame of the   composition.

Get more details about the frame.

To let the students know the frame of the composition.


Guide the students to discuss and think about what the ideal school is like in their mind.

Collect more related information before writing.

To help the students prepare for writing.

Play the video and ask the students to complete the table. Then check the table.

Watch the video carefully and finish the table, then give feedback.

To develop the ability of information collecting.

Have the students  share what they would like to see in their school.

Express what they would like to see in their school.

To help the students to imagine their ideal school.

Ask the students to practice the structure pattern according to the pictures---“If our school…, we can…”

Practise using the structure---If our school …, we can do…according to three offered situations.

To have a further imagination of  their ideal school.

Have the students express their views by using the structure pattern.

Share their views by using the structure---“It would be… because…”

To improve the students’ ability of expressing their ideas.


Have the students do an a sentence-link game.

Finish the composition orally one by one.

To help the students form the frame of the composition in their mind.

1.       Assign the students to write a composition with some useful expressions for reference.

2.       Ask the students to exchange their compositions and correct with each other.

3.       Share some compositions.

1.       Write compositions

2.       Exchange their compositions and correct with each other.

3. choose the best one to share.

To develop the students’ ability to organize information and use language.


1.      Read your classmates’ compositions on the display board.

2.       Revise and polish your composition.










1、教材分析:本节课的课题是来自于牛津教材7BUnit8 “A more enjoyable school life”中的写作部分,其内容是有关“我们理想中学校”。本单元中对理想中的学校提出了许多建议。其涉及的方面很多,如:学校环境、学校的文化氛围建设、学校的设施完善等。整个单元内容都是以理想中的学校来带动学生的校园生活。其主题非常贴切学生生活,学生比较感兴趣。







Lead-in: 通过世界知名学校的校园照片,给学生以视觉冲击。通过本校的网站,告诉学生学校正在通过网站开展英文征文----our ideal school比赛,通过这样的导入,激起学生的对本课主题的兴趣,直入主题。

Pre-task: 引导学生理解在写作文时,学生所需关注的得分三大板块。指导学生在写作文之前,先对作文主题进行材料收集。通过材料收集,引导学生对作文材料进行梳理,最后决定作文所写的内容。


    Post-task: 通过接龙的方式完成口头作文,使学生在脑海中形成作文框架。通过向学生提供一些美句,帮助与引导学生把作文的开头以及结尾部分写好。并且让学生通过小组互批,在小组内评选出最佳作文后,在课堂中进行分享。

    Assignments: 回家作业旨在将课堂讨论延伸至课外。让学生浏览班级展示板上的其他同学的作文,然后根据自己作文的薄弱点,再将课堂上的作文进行修改。






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