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Teaching design 张莉

作者(来源):[暂无]    发布时间:2013-01-26

Teaching design  张莉

School: Long Yuan Middle School

Students: Class 2 Grade 7

Teacher: Zhangli (张莉)

Topic: How to stay healthy (Writing)

Time: December 4th , 2012

Teaching Objectives:

By the end of this class, Ss will be able to

1. know more ways of staying healthy.  

2. use the important sentence pattern : “If we want to stay healthy, we should / should not ____________________” to express their own ideas about different ways of staying healthy.

3. write an article--- “How to stay healthy” with the help of the three useful tips.


By the end of the class, students will have been aware of the importance of staying healthy and have a positive attitude to life.

Teaching procedure


Teaching Activity

Learning Activity




Let  students enjoy a song and answer one question.

Enjoy a song and answer questions


To attract Ss’ attention and elicit today’s writing topic





Have a brainstorming about “how to stay healthy”.

Say out some phrases  about “how to stay healthy”

To provoke their thoughts and inspire them to engage in this writing lesson.


1.Show some pictures and ask Ss to practise the sentence pattern: “If we want to stay healthy, we should/ should not______.”


2. Guide Ss to sum up the first tip: “If we want to stay healthy, firstly we ‘d better have a _healthy______ diet.


3.Set a situation and ask Ss to work in groups and give him/ her some advice according to the example.





4. Encourage Ss to sum up the second tip: “If we want to stay healthy, secondly we ‘d better have a _healthy___ living habits.


5.Let Ss think about what else we should do and show more pictures to help them  understand the third tip: “If we want to stay healthy, we ‘d better be happy every day.


6. Guide Ss to draw a conclusion 



7.Ask Ss to write this article by providing them with the basic form for reference.


Do more practice step by step according to the pictures and the sentence pattern.



Sum up the first tip with the help of the teacher and try to understand it.




Work in groups and share their ideas based on the sentence pattern: “If you want to stay healthy, you should / should not _________ . then have a report.


Try to sum up the second tip according to the basic form of the first one.




Think about T’s question and have a understanding of the third tip with the help of some given pictures.




Think and draw a conclusion



Write this article according to their own ability by using the given basic form.


To consolidate the sentence pattern and get ready for the next step.









To collect more information for their writing through group work 










To let Ss have a fully understanding of how to stay healthy by providing them with the three useful tips.









To practice writing


1.Show Ss the checklist then present individual students’ works and sum up their typical mistakes.

2. Correct partner’s article according to the checklist.

(If time permits)

Appreciate other Ss’ works and conclude the mistakes they’ve made.


Correct the partner’s article carefully according to the checklist


To help Ss learn from each other



To practice Ss’ ability of cooperative learning .


Written Work:

Level A:

Finish this letter according to the given situation.

Level B:

Polish your writing and get it better then finish the letter.

Level C:

Write out some advice you learned in class to your penfriend (4-5 pieces of advice)


Oral Work:

Tell your friends or parents some useful ways of staying healthy that you learned in class.


          ――6校联动How to stay healthy 写作课课后反思

本节课是对于如何保持身心健康这一话题的一堂写作课,也是一堂分层写作的尝试课。所依托的教材内容是7AU82讲的内容,所涉及的句型也比较简单――――If we want to stay healthy, we should / (not) do sth.所以学生的写作过程整体来讲还是比较愉悦轻松的。但是作为老师来说,还是不轻松的,因为学生的基础相对薄弱,针对一个方面进行小组讨论的时候,生生之间可供彼此交流的素材实在有限,这时候就需要老师的辅助,来帮他们进一步地拓展思路,所以在While --- writing 环节如何将3useful tips引出成为本课重中之重的一步,这也是本课能否成功的关键所在。所以在课前我根据我校学生的实际进行了详尽的预设:3Tips的引出分别采用了3种不同的教学方法,一步步带领学生层层推进。(Tip1: 利用图片并依托重点句型加以训练后引导学生总结出;Tip2: 设置情境并通过小组活动鼓励学生提出更多的意见和建议后模仿Tip1 归纳总结出; Tip3目的是给学生提供一个充分的发散思维空间,但鉴于学生的实际情况,所以还是采取了图片提示的方式引导学生归纳出。最后在老师和学生的共同努力下,还是比较顺利地完成的本次写作任务。课后专家指导团和兄弟学校的老师也给提出了许多宝贵意见:

本堂课优点: 大家共同认为本节课充分考虑到学生的学情,对中等及偏下的学生非常实用,教学环节设计逻辑性较强,教学思路非常清晰,教学目标非常明确,每个角度充分到位,从词――句――段――篇,步步落实;作业设计分层非常明显,学生产出也比较到位;在提出批改要求这一环节时提出“所写内容是否匹配”比较新颖,示范到位。





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