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15周年校庆公开课——Teaching design

作者(来源):[暂无]    发布时间:2011-12-28

School: Longyuan Middle School

Student: Class 3, Grade 7

Teacher: Gloria (高丽)

Topic: To Be A Healthy Child

Material: Oxford English M3U8

Time: November 30th, 2011

Teaching Objectives:

Language objectives:

1.      To learn new vocabulary items: regularly, at least.

2.      To have a good understanding of the whole text.

3.      To learn the new sentence pattern ‘If... want to stay healthy, …should(not)...’

Ability focus:

1.      To develop the ability of expressing how to keep healthy.

2.      To make a poster or a booklet to tell others how to be healthy.

Emotional objectives:

To arouse the sense of keeping healthy and try to live a healthy life.

Key and/or difficult points:

Key points: to learn the new sentence pattern ‘If... want to stay healthy, …should(not)...

Difficult points: to make a poster or a booklet to tell others how to be healthy.

Teaching aids:

Multi-media system, blackboard, handouts, etc

Teaching procedure


Teaching Activity

Learning Activity




Show beautiful pictures of our school and the school life

Enjoy the pictures and relax.

To get students relaxed and elicit the topic ‘To Be A Healthy Child’.

Pre-task Preparation





1.      Ask students to do a small quiz about their healthy habit.




2.      Get the teacher involved in the same quiz too.




3. Show students the four pictures from Health Camp.

Do the quiz and see how many points students can get for this.




Ask the teacher the same questions according to the quiz.




Try to predict the suggestions according to the pictures by using the given words

To get students to know more about their current health situation.


To arouse students' interest and elicit the new words and the sentence pattern.


Practise the new sentence pattern and get prepared for learning the text.



While-task Procedure

1. Ask students to listen to and read the text.



2. Assign students some challenging tasks (for memorizing the missing parts).



3. Ask students to make a dialogue and talk about the information sheet.



4. Ask students to brainstorm and find out more ways to stay healthy.



5. Give students more ideas about ways to stay healthy. 


Listen to and read the text together.



Try to keep the text in mind and memorize the missing parts.



Ask and answer by using the new sentence structure.



Have a group discussion and give more ideas.




Look, learn and enjoy.





To improve their reading skills and   help them understand the text better.



To enable students to use the sentence pattern.



To broaden their mind by sharing with each other.

Post-task activity

  Ask students to make a poster or a booklet and tell more students how to be a healthy child.

Think carefully and work cooperatively.

To enhance the students’ cooperative spirit and reinforce the importance of staying healthy.



Oral work:

Read the text more carefully and try to recite it.

Written work:

1.  Polish (润色) your booklets or poster.

2.  Upload your ideas to our Wiki Space to share with our sister school. 



——记《To be a healthy child》公开课

美国著名学者波斯纳(Posner)曾提出教师成长的公式:成长=经验+反思,这句话一直鼓舞并指引着我。课堂永远是一门遗憾的艺术”, 的确上课不是一件容易的事,而要上好课更不容易,虽然在课程设计上花了很大一番功夫,设计的教学过程看似很成功,但操作起来却还是可能出现这样那样的遗憾与差错,与预期的效果产生一定的差距,所以科学、有效的教学反思也许可以减少些遗憾。

很感谢这次专家同行们给了我很多宝贵的建议与评价,让我受益匪浅。整节课上下来,我感觉还是比较流畅的,整体思路清晰,教学目标清楚。教学过程安排合理,从易到难,由浅入深,拓展部分从四个方面比较全面地引导学生对于健康的关注,充分考虑到了学生的实际情况,步步为营,教学目标达成良好。尤其在课堂导入中的Health Quiz环节,自然巧妙地解决了新单词以及新句型,为后面的课文教学做了很好的铺垫。而在课教授中的“Less and Less”环节,也极大的调动了学生们的兴趣同时也夯实了基础。 当然课还是留有一些遗憾,比如最后的环节的海报以及小册子制作没有来得及给学生充分的时间展示,如果在之前的机械操练部分和对话部分能够再紧凑一点或者部分内容删减掉可以给学生们留下更多的时间做准备和展示。再者,可以邀请同学们到讲坛前进行展示,给孩子们多一点的鼓励和信心或者可以将每个组的海报展示到黑板上,也许会有更好的效果。





最后我很想对我们的教研组老师以及给予我帮助和指导的所有专家和同行们说声谢谢!Because of you , I can be better!(*^__^*)


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